So tonight I was at the laundry mat, while the wife was at her exercise for 2 class. The place was pretty much empty, accept for me, and the attendant lady. Since I was more or less alone on my side of the laundry mat I saw no reason to be uncomfortable... so I pretty much let my gastrointestinal track run wild. They were pretty bad but, no one was around so I didn't think much of it. Then the attendant lady came around the corner, she was mopping the floor. She stopped, took a few steps, backed up and then started smelling the drain on the floor.
"I think some sewer gasses are coming up through the vent" she says to her self in her southern accent. Then she said it again louder. "Do you smell that?" looking at me, "some sewer gasses must be coming up out of the drain."
"I have a cold" I reply "I don't smell anything"
"Your lucky, It's pretty bad. I'm going to dump some bleach down the drain, see if that fixes it. That's the strangest thing."
"yeah... weird..." I said.
I tried really hard to control myself the rest of my time at the laundry mat.