Its been a while but we have lots of new things to share. We have moved to a new home (sorry no pictures yet, I refuse to take pictures until there are no more boxes). New jobs (I don't care what anyone says, staying at home really is a full time job). Meeting new cousins. What seems like a new baby because of all the new and great things she learns everyday. Here are a few pictures.
Our small but hopefully prosperous garden. Check out the rhubarb in the background! It took about 4 harvesting sessions but I finally got it all out but then a week later, it comes back. Rhubarb crisp anyone?
New couch, and as you can see, Rose is sitting up all by herself.
Here's a new habit...wanting to come in bed with us in the early morning. I can't complain. At least she's sleeping.
New explorations.
Meeting cousin Li'l Mil and Aunt E for the first time!