Well, here we are...9 1/2 months pregnant and still waiting to hear about dental school. It seems like all we have been doing for 9 months is waiting on both of these exciting occurrences. The baby is not too far off however and definitely will come. Dental school on the other hand is a little less concrete. Maybe if the hub had a belly full of dental school admission papers and could deliver at any moment we would feel a little better. As he does not, we are still waiting. He is on the next to be contacted list in Louisville and is in good standing there. As for Lincoln and Creighton we have not gotten a rejection which is positive and will wait for the next round of admittance. We will see in the next few months what life brings us.
The hub waiting oh so patiently.
The wife waiting (maybe not so patiently).
I just know that the baby is coming early! We should start making bets!
Can't wait to see the Baby!!
Good luck Adam!
Just got back from the doc. I'm 1cm and 75% effaced! The baby is extremely low. We are pretty excited:)
Oh baby! You are lookin good my friend. I hope we can meet up soon!
One hottt MAMA! 9 and a half months!?!?! I thought it was a 9 month deal...hmmm, I guess I should have done the math 40 weeks doesn't add up to 9 months, why is this? Good luck Adam!
How exciting, you guys! You are going to champ it out in that delivery room...bravo!
Well congrats on the little one and good luck with the dental school. Maybe both will come in time fore Christmas. Speaking of Christmas, I need a mailing address for you two so we can send you our Christmas card. Little help please ;) Thanks
Good luck guys! I love hearing about your adventures. besos, amy
You hottie, you! I totally don't miss the waiting, tho! Good luck! Anytime now...
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