Monday, January 26, 2009

A few things I've learned...

Okay I know I've only been a mom for 5 weeks but here are a few things I have learned...
#11-Every symptom does go away after you've had the kidding, its a miracle!
#11 1/2-However, no matter how much weight you have lost you shouldn't try on your old clothes. I should have listened to Mil's advice on this 2 years ago.

#10-You will really get no sleep after the baby comes. You feed every 3 hours but by the time you feed, change a diaper, burp, and then the baby goes to sleep it is time to feed again.

#9-I thought I would like pumping because it would give my body a break once in a while...not so! I cried the first time the hub gave Lil' Rose a bottle. Going back to work is going to be harder than I thought:(

#8-I spent 9 months training myself to sleep on my side. Now, I can't sleep on my side because it hurts my gigantic boobs!

#7-I now have gigantic boobs! #5 1/2-Nursing bras are hard to find...any suggestions?

#6-I will never again ask a mom to hold her newborn baby. I use to do this all the time but now I know how hard it is to let others hold such a fragile and susceptible being. I can wait.

#5-It is true that they do grow too fast and that you really don't notice until you've seen another that is smaller.

#4-Going to the doctor and getting shots is one of the most traumatizing experiences...for me!

#3-I thought I would love hearing advice from others, but honestly, if I don't ask for it I don't want it.
#2-No matter what you do, if you are going to get stretch marks you will get stretch marks. I look like a pink zebra has occupied my mid section.
#1-The first time Little Rose smiled at me (and every time since) I thought I could never have enough love for anyone else. Except of course when the hub smiles and then my cup runneth over.

I know there would be some mad people out there if I didn't post pictures. Here are some recent pics of Lil' Rose for all the Lil' Rose fans.

Dad likes to place her pants on top of her head and pretend she is a French chef:)

Another adorable duck towel picture. Can't get enough of these!

Getting so strong with Daddy.


Sarah B. said...

Oh my goodness, I can completely relate to all of those things! The best nursing bras I have found (believe it or not) were at Sears! They were much more supportive than any of the Motherhood ones I used. And yes, the shots...I definitely cried harder than my kids did. Oye.

She is beautiful.

Erica said...

I loved your list! It is true that you don't realize how big they are getting until you see a newborn. And she is getting soooo big! What a little cutie! It's so fun to read your blog.

Anonymous said...

To the Milmont's:

I found your blog from Randy and Haley's and your little girl is absolutely precious and I am so excited for you guys. I am curious as to what her name is?!?!

I would love to hear from you. Take care, Kendra Brown

Papworth's said...

That is so funny! and so so true!! It's so good to hear from you. I'm glad you found us. Congrats on little Rose!! I had no idea. Isn't it just the best thing in the world? You wonder what your life was like without them and how you can ever have more because how could you ever love another one as much as this one. I'm sure when you go through the whole experience again, there's no doubt that you'll love them all unconditionally!! Hope all is well for you guys!! Keep in touch for sure.

cspears said...
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cspears said...

I love the list! I was totally laughing as I was reading them. . .oh the things that go along with motherhood! I am one of those that ask to hold all babies, especially newborns, so hearing from a mom's perspective that it drives you crazy, I will also wait. Lil' Rose is getting sooooo big! I love the ducky robe!! In the pic with Adam helping her sit up, is he laying on the boppy? Silly hub. No but seriously, it's cute! I love that picture! It is such a great shot! Looking at her pictures just makes me want to kiss her little cheeks. . .but I will leave that up to you. Don't want to get her sick! Give her a bunch of kisses for me!

em said...

Interesting. Especially #6. I've never run across a new mom (or dad) who was less than excited to spread the magic and joy that is new baby love! That's one of the best parts of family and friends having babies! That newness only lasts a minute but is all it takes for friends and family to fall in love with the baby, too. Guess we have some differing perspectives on and experiences with new babies and parents.

And a key to getting more sleep: a tight, tight burrito wrap and a binkie. That's part of what's kept my newborns happy for 4-5 hours at a stretch through the night! Priceless, I tell ya.

Milmonster said...

#6 has to do more with people I hardly know wanting to hold her and then kissing her and putting their face in hers. Close friends and family are great!

Tiffany said...

I love this!:) I love your honesty...from your new bra to the baby holding! I want to meet your little Rose, she's so cute!

Amy said...

What a great list! I also always want to hold babies but I'll wait until you pass her off to me. She is getting nice and big and I bet you cannot even imagine life without her.

The Little's said...

I got my nursing bra at MotherHood and I loved it! Worth the extra $. I am so glad you're enjoying being a mom. I always knew you would be great at it! Oh, and just so you know...the shots get easier. It is still hard to hear your baby cry, but you toughen up...

jenn said...

Pink zebra. Ain't it the truth.