Sunday, December 26, 2010

Rose turns 2

Our little girl is two years old! We had a nice party with family and friends. We made Rose a pig cake because she loves pigs. I can't believe she is two. Here are a few things that make Rose so special...

-She has the biggest vocabulary of any two year old I have ever met and speaks mostly in complete sentences.
-She has a nervous finger suck when approached by new people but give her 15 minutes and you can be her best friend.
-She holds, rocks, feeds, changes diapers, and puts her baby dolls to bed just like they were real babies.
-She is so sweet with her new sister and already loves her so much.
-She can go 7 hours in a car without sleeping and then fall asleep when we are minutes away from grandma's house, (on multiple occasions.)
-She already has much to say about what clothes she will wear and sometimes puts up a fight.
-She will eat anything dipped in ketchup or ranch, like strawberries, pancakes, eggs... if she can pick it up she will dip it.
-She loves to sing and knows Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, Old MacDonald, ABCs, Row Row Rows Your Boat, and Baa Baa Black Sheep
1 day old.

Clapping after singing Happy Birthday at 1st birthday party.
Singing Happy Birthday at 2nd birthday party.


Alissa said...

Ahhh Happy Birthday to Rose! She looks pretty dang cute! Love the cake too, did you make it??
Sorry Adam is off snowboarding without you. :( no fun.

The Little's said...

She is such a cutie! I saw you guys from the chapel when you were leaving church this past weekend! I wish we would have gotten to visit so I could see Rose and little Z!