Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A Baby's Day (according to dad)

So we wake up in the morning and if its a good day Lil' Rose gets a shower, she likes showers. She doesn't like getting dressed after wards but she sure looks cute in her duck towel.
If you want your baby to be more calm at the changing table put a mirror next to it. After the shower she usually conks out pretty fast for her morning nap.
After her nap we talk and think about stuff... like how the whole milk thing works. It perplexes her as well.
Then she sleeps more. After that we like to have some tummy time
Then we take head measurements
She got really excited when she found out that she had a new little cousin, Nano. She is trying to say ooooooo (I'm not good at spelling sounds)
She also like to kick back and put her feet up whenever there is an opportune moment.
O yeah and she eats a poops a lot to but I'm not aloud to take pictures of that...


Chelsea Ellingson said...

This was Chloe and my conversation while she was watching the movie of Rose on her tummy:
Chloe: "Oooh, Bee-bee!"
Me: "Yes, that's a baby. A little one".
Chloe: "Oh! Yi-sis!"
Me: "No, that's not Linus, that's Rose. Can you say 'Rrrrooooose'?"
Chloe: "Wosssssss...sssss"
Now all you have to do is show Rose some pictures of Chloe on blogger and they'll have had a proper introduction. :-)

Emily said...

Too cute!
I am going to have to remember the mirror idea! Sounds like a good one!
Lil Rose is getting cuter and cuter by the day :)
Love the posts guys!

Hoss.Rose.MiniB said...

Okay, she definitely looks like A. Good thing you only have one class this semester! Your days are so full...

em said...

We were laughing so hard at all those pics. She looks just like you, A! Looks like she has a lot of fun with her daddy (and I'm sure with her mommy too).

Sarah B. said...

She seriously has the cutest faces!

The Highland Hill's said...

Now she is adorable...those lips are priceless...they will definitely help her get anything she ever wants from her dad...

Ora can give me the cutest faces and basically gets to stay up late or not take a nap...she runs the house...